Over the years, the BVCC has benefited from many capable and talented volunteers. We especially need more who are willing to share existing expertise, or willing to learn enough to where they can share. We need people to plan or conduct classes, to assist others at Help Clinics, or to give a program presentation on a computer-related topic of special interest to them. Our Help Clinics, classes, and programs are what attracts new members, and it takes people to keep those services functional.
If you have expertise in some particular area and would be willing to teach a class (check out our current and past classes list) or present a program, contact our Education Committee. If you would be willing to serve in any of our leadership positions, or have any suggestions, contact our President.
It would be very helpful if members would fill out a member survey (requires a survey login) indicating areas in which they might be able to contribute to the operation of BVCC. This is requested from new members who may bring skills and talents with them, and from old members as they gain experience or have changes in other commitments that might allow increasing their commitment to BVCC.
BVCC Officers are elected for a term of one year; Board members are elected for a term of 2 years with one Board member elected in even years and two elected in odd years. A nominating committee will be appointed every July in preparation for elections at the August general meeting, with all BVCC members in attendance eligible to vote. Officer terms begin in September following the election. Committee positions are appointed. If you are willing to serve in any of these capacities, contact either the nominating committee or one of the current officers or Board members.
All officers need to have Internet access, as email is the primary means for Board communications. Some positions do require some basic word processing or spreadsheet processing skills, but these are all skills that can easily be taught with some on-job training. There is no need for any officer to purchase any additional software, as LibreOffice provides a free office suite that is more than adequate for word processing and spreadsheets, and Thunderbird provides a very capable free email client that easily can send mass emails to members. Any free software support that might be required is available for MS Windows, Linux, and MacOS platforms.
Officers are expected and Chairpersons are encouraged to attend Board meetings (normally held monthly in the Training Center during the hour before the monthly General Meeting) and also to attend the General meetings, but absences are possible as long as pre-arrangements are made to cover their responsibilities.
President – Preside over all monthly meetings of the Board and General Meetings. Provide leadership to the BVCC and maintain relationship with Highlands Crossing Center management. Oversee the management of the Training Center.
Vice-President – Preside over all monthly meetings of the Board and General Meetings in the absence of the president. Assist the President with whatever needs attention.
Secretary – Take minutes of all monthly Board Meetings and monthly General Meeting and write up and distribute the minutes in digital form using either MS Office or LO Writer. Handle any BVCC correspondence as needed.
Treasurer Maintains transaction records and financial reports in digital form using existing spreadsheets and MS Excel or LO Calc. Present a Monthly Financial Report to the Board, an annual financial summary to the General Membership, issue checks, keep track of all accounts, conduct all financial matters in a business-like manner.
Board Member (3 Positions) – Serve in rotating terms so not all members are new at once. Vote on all matters pertaining to the club. Some research required occasionally. Perform whatever tasks the President wants done.
Most Committee Chairs attend the Board Meetings and General Meetings.
Membership – Present a Monthly Report to the Board on the status of membership and maintain the membership roster in digital form using MS Excel or LO Calc. Sit at the door of the General Meeting to greet new members, enroll members and collect dues. Sends out email notices to members — this can be done fairly easily with the free email client Thunderbird.
Newsletter Editor – Publishes "Bits and Bytes" monthly.
Programs – Invites Guest Speakers and plans programs of interest to the members and guests.
Publicity – Sends out notices of our meetings and guest speakers.
Webmaster – Maintains our web site.
Education – Coordinates with instructor(s) to determine what classes should be scheduled and when; helps, if needed, with any special setup of the Training Center computers is required for a class, and enrolls students in classes.
Training Center Administrator – Maintains all the equipment in the Computer Lab. Coordinates with Education Chair to be sure some officer or appropriately trained member opens and supervises use of the Training Center and associated equipment for classes.
Genealogy Liaison – Works as liaison between the Genealogy Special Interest Group (SIG) and the Board. An attendee of the Genealogy SIG who opens the Training Center supervises use the of Training Center equipment used for the Genealogy SIG meetings.