Some members of the Bella Vista Computer Club have recently become aware that there is some need in the Bella Vista area for computer instruction at a very basic level. For that reason BVCC will offer a series of four weekly "Basic Computer" classes, free to BVCC members AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC.
These classes will deal with computers at a very basic level: the proper way to turn computer on and off, issues of security, email, how to use Google and more.
The classes will be held in the BVCC Training Center on four Thursdays from 10:00am to 12 noon, on September 21, September 28, October 12, and ending October 19. Registration is required and can be made by calling 479-312-0267 or 479-696-8867, as class size is limited. Computers will be available or guests may bring their laptops and power cord if they wish.
The instructor will be one of our newer members, Johnny Johnson.