Upcoming Events
Oct 2, 9am-11am, "Recordings, Movies & More, Pt 1" (in Training Center)
Oct 5, Help Clinic, 9am - noon(Also see Remote Help)
TIME CHG-Oct 9, 8am-10am, "Recordings, Movies & More, Pt 2" (in Training Center)
Oct 14, 7pm, General Meeting: "Protecting Yourself From Internet Cybercrime":
Oct 16, Help Clinic, 9am - noon(Also see Remote Help)
Nov 2, Help Clinic, 9am - noon(Also see Remote Help)

Oct 14, 7pm General Meeting: "Protecting Yourself From Internet Cybercrime", presented by Joel Ewing.  October is National Cybersecurity Month, so another overview of basic security practices seems appropriate.  This will be an in-person meeting (with Zoom simulcast) in the BVCC Training Center in the lower level of Highlands Crossing Center, 1801 Forest Hills Blvd., Bella Vista, AR.  Links to Google Maps for the location of HCC and for directions inside HCC are located at the bottom of this web page. 

For those who are uncomfortable with an in-person meeting because of health or other issues, the concurrent Zoom broadcast of the General Meeting can be joined 5 to 10 minutes before the meeting by clicking this Zoom link, or manually specify Meeting ID: 823 7349 5991 and Passcode: 9K8NSq . 

Visitors and Guests are welcome.  For an explanation of using Zoom for BVCC meetings, see the article in the November 2023 Bits & Bytes newsletter.  The Zoom application can be installed and used on PCs, Macs, and mobile devices for free.


We produce a monthly Bits & Bytes Newsletter and have a monthly general meeting open to the public at 7pm on the 2nd Monday of the month.  For our members we also provide Help Clinics (Member Benefits ►Help Clinics), remote help (Member Benefits ►Remote Help), classes (Member Benefits ►Classes ►Scheduled), and a Genealogy Special Interest Group (Member Benefits ►SIG).  Upcoming meetings and events may also be found on the monthly calendars at Member Benefits ►Calendar.

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Data Class, Jan 2023
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Computer Security Class, Nov 2017
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Course Signup at General Meeting
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MS Word Class
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General Meeting

Where we are located

Directions Inside HCC